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Shattering Steretypes with Middle Schoolers

Last week, I had the privilege to speak to fourth, fifth, and sixth graders on the topic of “Shattering Stereotypes”. After hearing of the growing bullying problem in the local middle school, my school’s group called Respect & Dignity hosted a seminar with the students with each grade from my school involved in the group speaking on different topics. Representing the Senior class, I spoke to them about the meaning of stereotypes, how I have personally been affected by them, and how they can realize the value in each other’s differences and celebrate rather than tear each other down because of them. The other grades spoke on personal bullying experiences as well. We provided multiple perspectives for these young students to learn from and gain insight. At the end, we told each person to give a crumpled piece of paper to each student and invited them to open it. Inside, there was a compliment written. We wanted to show them that a small act of kindness can go along way. It was a great and exciting experience that we will hopefully see the effects of in a decreased number of bullying incidents. I hope that this is the first of many appearances we will make in an attempt to end stereotypes.

Watch the video of my speech below:

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